
When Social Justice Becomes a “Conspiracy” 

Renas melle - How Jordan Peterson became an inspiration for Arab patriarchy

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Between grief and longing

Mosab Alnomire: Re-thinking the Syrians’ diasporic social relationships

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Fear as a Common Identity

Noura Mousa - One year on killing Afzaal family in London-Ontario

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The Desire for Revolution…Between Damascus and Beirut

Hisham Al-Hadi, A difficult journey between two cities

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Heavy Steps into Toronto

Attempts to Preserve a Memory in the Last Asylum

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The Canadian Vaccines I Never Got to Put to Test

Another Unpleasant Experience in Submitting an Asylum Seeking Application to Canada

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Trying to Understand the Disputes With Our Parents

Why is it difficult to understand each other?

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Unusual, Forgotten Stories

Existential Questions on a Smuggling Trip, by Hisham Al-Hadi

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An Attempt to Restore a Fragmented Identity

Stephani Moukhaiber Workplace experience consultant by profession and an activist since the Oct 17 revolution. She is the chair of…

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Refugees Shape Their Future

Calling for a better international refugee system

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