About Henna

Henna platform emerged as the fruit of cooperation between NMC-CESI at the University of Toronto and the students of Modern Canadian Studies. We aim to spread comprehensive knowledge in both Arabic and English, and to offer opportunities for activists from Arab countries to write and interact with Canadian society. The platform is supervised by writers, activists, academics, technicians, and public sector workers — any believer in the values of liberation, democracy, and justice.

Henna’s content is directed towards newcomers, Arabic speakers inside and outside Canada, as well as non-Arab Canadians interested in Arab countries and asylum issues. The word ‘Henna’ holds two meanings, the first is ‘henna,’ an authentic symbol of Arab culture, and the second is ‘we.’


Today, more than one million people of Arab origin reside in Canada. This population is increasing in step with the growing desire to emigrate from countries under the grip of dictatorial regimes and militias, where people struggle under limited horizons, politically, socially, and economically.

Henna provides a platform for Arabic speakers and Canadian activists to exchange knowledge, to exercise the right to self-expression, to raise issues, and to engage in public debates. In parallel, Henna will provide knowledge for Arabs to grasp Canadian society’s current and historical affairs more fully. These efforts will in turn promote better interaction, based on mutual, vital knowledge, rather than stereotypes and misconceptions.

Newcomers and Canadians of Arab descent are considered part of the Canadian mosaic. In light of their presence in a democratic country which believes in multiculturalism, they have the right to learn about the components and issues of this country and to engage in it politically and culturally. Being part of democratic, political, and educational processes, is often a necessity for us. We have been deprived of practicing our rights in our countries of origin for decades, and someday we will need these skills.

In our diaspora, there is a greater need than ever for solid cultural and media platforms, on which believers in the values of liberation, democracy and justice can organize. The ability to speak up, once attained, will enable us to influence the present and the future. This is where Henna strives to be effective. Therefore  we encourage those who share belief in these values to take initiative, to broaden their circles and networks, to work together on what serves these values.

Considering the above goals, there is an increasing need to be aware of the structure and features of Canadian society in order to boost the effectiveness of newcomers or citizens of Arab origins. This is what Henna seeks to present through its content, which is based in large part on academic knowledge, political, historical, and cultural issues. This knowledge will contribute to drawing a general map of the forces, ideas, and currents that form this society.

What you can find on Henna

Henna platform provides comprehensive content (politics, culture, news, and services) of the most important things Arabs should know about Canada, in addition to what Canadians should know about the Arab community; the historical and political contexts of what is happening in the Arab countries and the Middle East. Henna’s content aims to highlight the interactions within the Arab community in Canada, supports their efforts to settle while exercising their right of liberal activity against dictatorship and extremism, and promotes the values of openness, democracy, and civic action.

Henna will attempt to provide necessary service-related information to facilitate the integration of Arab newcomers into Canada, clarify the features of the asylum and immigration processes for those interested inside and outside Canada, and accumulate knowledge by employing the expertise of those with previous experiences. On top of that, Henna will introduce important individual and collective matters within the Arab community and raise them for discussion, while supporting the efforts of women, the LGBTQ community, and the youth in accessing opportunities.

Given that many of those arriving from Arab countries have gone through violent experiences, such as war, bombing, arrest, and displacement, Henna will provide content related to mental health and the effects of trauma on daily behaviour. We hope to encourage those with severe experiences to adopt healthier practices in daily behaviour, to mitigate the effects of trauma, and to take practical steps to reach out to professionals by providing viable knowledge that can assist them.

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