Reports & Investigations

Naked on Stage

Nabil Mohammad - Urging the Audience to Unpack the Relationship with the Body 

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Holding High the Diasporic Keffiyehs 

Challenging Borders and Genocidal Systems through Arts

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Alternative Arab Music Overseas

Marsim Canada: Impact through Music and the Arts

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Syria Film Festival Returns to Toronto in its Sixth Edition

Ola Barqawi,  Palestinian- Syrian writer and journalist, living in TorontoTranslated by Sara Hlaibeih The Syria Film Festival of Toronto will begin in…

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Daring to Be Under the Light

A Conversation with Ebti Nabbag

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How Media Shapes Racial Identities

A Conversation with Powys Dewhurst

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Where is the Truth In Our History

Reflections during Black History Month

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Celebrating Black History Month Behind the Headlines

Breathing together in the open air

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Bloody Traces on the Sidewalk

Poverty, the Housing Crisis and the Horror of Living in Toronto

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Trucker convoy rolls into Ottawa

What's behind the movement protesting vaccine mandates?

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Ontario Provincial Election 2022 and First Time Voters

How does it feel for first-time voters?

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Is this the Last Wave that Will Force us to Stay Home?

Is the Omicron variant actually helping to end the pandemic? 

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Syrians Lending a Hand to Afghan Refugees in Canada

The ‘Sa’al Mujareb’ Campaign.. An Invitation for Solidarity and Engagement

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Why did the Canadian Election not Produce Change?

On the Stagnation of Canadian Politics

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Shattering the ‘Safe Syria’ Propaganda

Amnesty Releases Horrifying Testimonies from Refugees Who Returned to Syria 

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Post-pandemic elections in Canada

What do you need to know about Canada's September 20 federal election?

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Finding light in the Darkness of Afghanistan

What can we do to help Afghan refugees?

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How and why did Canada fail in Afghanistan?

How did Canada put thousands of Afghan lives at risk?

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Bu Kolthoum Invites us to Heal

Bu Kolthoums’s new album themed around learning when facing trauma

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How Did Our Stories Become Hard to Hear?

When therapy doesn't heal, your elephant fills every room

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